dimanche, octobre 6 2024

The Malian authorities of the transition detained in Kati for several days are now free. They were finally able to return to their homes. Very good news for their families. They are mainly the President of the transition Bah N’Daw and his Prime Minister Moctar Ouane.

The two Malian authorities of the transition have been arrested since monday, May 24 by the military junta. Indeed, the one that carried out the coup d’etat last August that led to the departure from power of President IBK. They were accused of having formed a new government without consulting the Vice-President, Colonel Assimi Goïta.

The Malian authorities of the transition forced to resign

Looking at the evolution of the situation in Mali, everything suggests that the Malian authorities of the transition were forced to leave their posts. A decision that comes after their kidnappings for Kati last Monday. Clearly, it is a question of an unwilling departure due to the coup operated by Colonel Assimi Goïta.

« We cannot rule out that they resigned under imposition, » a West African diplomatic source said. He explains his comments by the fact that the kidnapped Malian authorities of the transition read their letter of resignation which was already written before their arrival.

A takeover of Colonel Assimi Goïta

After the official announcement of the resignation of the Malian authorities of the transition, Assimi Goïta, head of the junta and vice-president affirms to take the presidency of the transition. Regarding the post of vice-president, which is now vacant, negotiations have started to find a worthy replacement.

In addition, the colonel intends to lead this transition alongside the M5-RFP movement. But the members of this group do not see this collaboration favorably because of the coup that the movement condemns. This coup by the junta is strongly condemned by the international community. To this end, sanctions could be taken against the country in the days to come.


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