mardi, février 18 2025

End of the suspense, the third duel between Nana Akufo-Addo and her great rival John Dramani Mahama has just known its winner. The verdict was given yesterday Wednesday, December 9 by the Electoral Commission. The outgoing president is re-elected for a second term at the head of Ghana.

To know the outcome of this election, Ghanaians had to take their pain in patience beyond the 24 hours required. A genuine expectation that has caused a certain anguish in the hearts of citizens. This scenario is due to the fact that the results of the regional counts have been announced on a drip basis. Because the counting of ballots for the announcement of the results was not as fast as hoped.

Nana Akufo-Addo reelected despite extremely tight ballot

According to provisional results announced by the electoral commission, Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo finally triumphed in the election. An elbow-to-elbow that eventually removed John Mahama from the coveted presidential chair.

Nana Akufo-Addo was re-elected with 51.59 per cent of the vote against 47.63 per cent for his opponent John Dramani Mahama. An unsurprising victory for the candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP). Partial figures broadcast end-to-end in the local media already gave the outgoing president the winner.

For supporters of President Nana Akufu-Addo, it’s time to celebrate. They are therefore strivising to celebrate the victory of their candidate in the streets of Accra. In his first statements, Nana Akufo-Addo urged Ghanaians to peace and unity.

Results disputed by opponents of Nana Akufo-Addo

For the time being, the candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama, has not yet decided on the results published by the Electoral Commission. Nor did he congratulate the re-elected president.
His supporters, on the other hand, refuse to believe in their defeat in the polls. They remain convinced that victory has been snatched from them. That is, the re-elected president used fraud by stuffing the ballot boxes with 390,000 fraudulent ballots.

The opposition is therefore considering appealing the Electoral Commission’s decision. In addition, it intends to provide evidence of its allegations.

In 2016, John Dramani Mahama tried to challenge Nana Akufo-Addo’s victory. But he was quickly called to order by Jerry Rawlings. The latter, now defunct, could these new challenges turn into a post-election crisis?



DUDH 2020 : SG António Guterres, « Les personnes et leurs droits doivent être au cœur de la riposte et de la relance »


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