vendredi, novembre 22 2024

The different actors work for political stability in Mali. Indeed, the country seems to gradually regain its political stability after a violent crisis that has paralyzed it. This despite the ongoing insecurity in the north of the country. So possibilities of negotiations for a total return of peace are being considered by the Malian authorities.

Following the coup d’état of 18 August, Political stability in Mali  with the appointment of the President of the transition in Mali, the appointment of a prime minister and members of his government. The National Transitional Council (NTC), the third transitional institution, was also established on Thursday. It is composed of 121 members, including expected names, but also surprises.

Political stability in Mali, an extension of military action

To overcome terrorism in Mali, the government believes it would be useful to conduct negotiations with terrorist groups. To this end, the process has already begun and continues. These are concrete discussions with groups such as Aqmi, Ansar Dine, etc. This will be aimed at restoring security across the country.

According to Prime Minister Moctar Ouane, dialogue must be seen as an opportunity and an extension of military action. Primarily a continuity of the Barkhane force’s operations in the affected regions. « There is no disconnect between Mali and France, » the Prime Minister reassured.

Political stability in Mali, a well-conducted mission

« We are committed to carrying out the mission entrusted to us, » said Prime Minister Moctar Ouane. For him, the roles are very clearly defined. Therefore, everyone plays his score, there are no particular difficulties to report. So everything is being done on the government side to meet the especially safe needs of the people.

With regard to the ongoing conflicts between communities, the government promises to soon sow the seed of calm and good understanding. It intends to achieve this through inter-community dialogue. A dialogue that will certainly be inclusive. So there is reason to remain optimistic, even if for many it is the militarization of the transitional bodies and the Malian administration.


Stabilité politique au Mali : vers des négociations avec les terroristes ?


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