vendredi, novembre 22 2024

On Monday, outgoing President Faustin-Archange Touadéra was proclaimed winner of the first round of the presidential in Central African Republic on December 27. He was therefore re-elected for a second term at the head of the country. However, his victory is contested by many opponents.

The presidential and legislative elections in the Central African Republic took place in a particularly tense context. That is to say, the poll was punctuated by disruptions in several cities across the country. This insecurity in part of the country was caused by a new coalition of rebels a few days before the elections. Former President François Bozizé is accused by the Central African authorities of being the instigator, because his candidacy for the presidential election was rejected by the Constitutional Court.

A Big victory for Touadera in the presidential in Central African Republic

According to the overall provisional results of the ANE, outgoing President Faustin-Archange Touadéra clearly came out on top in this presidential election. He totaled, in the first round, 53.92% of the vote. This allowed him to position himself far ahead of Anicet-Georges Dologuélé who obtained 21.01% of the vote. Martin Ziguele, meanwhile, took third place with 7.46% of the vote.

For now in the winning camp, spirits are celebrating the brilliant victory of their candidate in the presidential in Central African Republic. « Today, the Central African people have understood that a winning team should not be changed, » said Simplice Mathieu Sarandji, national campaign director for Faustin-Archange Touadéra

Presidential in Central African Republic, Touadéra reelected with 53.92% of the vote (2)

Massive frauds deplored during the presidential in Central African Republic

For the opposition, the results announced by ANE are not at all reliable. They believe that the ballot was strewn with massive frauds that took place during this presidential in Central African Republic. In addition, many Central Africans were unable to go to the polls. Consequently, there is a real lack of transparency here. So they strongly contest the results and intend to file appeals with the Constitutional Court.

“There are a number of gross inconsistencies that the calculation exceeds 100% of the vote. And then we announce a participation rate of 76.31% while the real participation rate is 37.40%, ”said Anicet Georges Dologuélé. « So you see that our friends from the ANE really did not have their minds, so much pressure was put on them to find a number so that Touadéra was re-elected in the first round, » he added.



Présidentielle au Centrafrique, Touadéra réélu avec 53,92% des voix


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